
Once upon a time, I was free like a bird, I did not know that, but I was, I could fly wherever I wanted to, hug and kiss random friends and even total strangers with impunity and wear red lipstick at all times.

I could smile with the whole of my face and everyone could hear what I was saying.

Then, the Restrictions started. I cannot recall now what they were called then, I think it was just Lock Down.

Anyway, the Restrictions are being entirely lifted in the UK next week. The Prime Minister …

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A carrot a day...


What now, I hear you cry, reading the title of my latest musings, what is she on about?

Patience, Dear Reader, patience.

There is this horse you see, his name is Cedric and he lives in a field up the hill from my land. He is beautiful is Cedric and he used to live in that field in the summer because he was a stallion.

Then he would be proudly taking part in the Autumn hunts and then he would be put into his stable with other horses from the winter and then I would not see him till March/April…

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