

Hello you,

The BBC has just rung 11:11:11 and Big Ben has called all for one minute of silence. I wonder if the cannons and artillery barrages stopped in Ukraine. I doubt it.

I have received several messages from optimistic friends telling me that 11:11:11 is a new portal, my body is going to regenerate and the world is my oyster if  I can set my mind to it.

Only, as I sit there contemplating the rain pouring down the windows of my study, I am not feeling it. Another huge storm coming over fr…

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Dear Reader,

This morning, as I took my dog for a walk, or maybe he took me for a walk, the jury is out on that one,

I got to thinking of my Monday feelings and how I had got myself into such a pit.

I wondered what had happened to me.

Suddenly, I realized!

I have been too much "of the World" since the end of February, this is what!

I have followed the News, read several newspapers, generally, alright obsessively, kept myself "informed".

Only, I did not, I got myself overwhelmed with stuff…

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What to do when Despair strikes


Dear Reader,

You know I hold the torch for hope but, seriously?

This morning, as I was walking the dog/meditating/mulling over my feelings, the only thing I could find was despair.

I was horrified.

You see, I don't generally do despair.

I do hope and pulling myself together, looking on the bright side and all the sweetness in the world.

But this morning,

Just for that walk,

I could only find despair.

So I used EFT Tapping*, because this is what I do. Tapped on the fingers points a…

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