Hello you,
How is it going as they say. Remember, last time we talked I was saying about going even though we did not really know where we are going and today... we cannot even see where we are going!
Because, today is the day before the New Moon
The Dark of the Moon.
And in the current circumstances as the world lurches from one more unbelievable disaster to another, it feels entirely appropriate to write about the dark, hence the photo at the top of this blog.
The dark is so tough because we immediately want to switch the light on, move on to the new phase of whatever we think we are on our way to
lets pause today and stay in the dark.
What does the dark mean to you?
I find it really hard to stay there and instantly reach out for an emotion, usually anger, to light the place up. But the light of my anger flares quick and strong and then vanishes in a flash. Because, even if I do not like it, I have to be in the dark.
It is part of the cycles of life. Before the New Moon, the New Beginnings, the Seeds Planting, and all that jazz, there is the Dark of the Moon and the surrendering to it.
So today, I am inviting you to surrender to the dark. To let go of everything, including your moorings, lift your anchor and let yourself float in the darkness of the Moon, in the absence of Her, although of course, she is still there, you just cannot see her.
Surrender. Do not try to work out what it is you are surrendering, that is trying and really, today, you don't want to try. Just float and see where it takes you.
The darkest river of the ancient world was the Styx, the river that separated the land of the living and the land of rebirth and you had to cross it, in the dark.
Be brave!
See you on the other side.
With love

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