
Why a well? Because, tomorrow is the Festival of Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid who is the patron saint of wells and the forge. Water and fire? Took me years to work it out.

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Tomorrow in Ireland is the official beginning of Spring. Not that there are any actual signs of Spring around, you understand.

But it is undeniable that Spring is on its way.

How do i know that? Well, the evenings are getting lighter, the hens have starting laying again, the sheep in the fields are about to pop and the birds have starting singing in the early morning.

We are indeed a long way from actual Spring and yet, now is the right time to start seriously preparing for it.

What to do?

Well, if you grow stuff like vegetables or flowers, get your stack of seed packets out and start putting aside the ones that have passed their sell-buy date by more than a year. I know, it's tough, but if they are older than 2 years, they are much less likely to germinate so don't waste your time.

The same goes for your dreams, projects, whatever New Year Resolutions you have already broken. Make a list and see what still makes your heart sing and what deadens you.

Get rid of the seeds/Projects/relationships that will never germinate. Do it now.

Then, look at what is left.Then, decide what you fancy growing.

I still have carrots and beetroots, also cabbages seeds in date but I am going to give them away. I do not fancy growing those this year. So they will make someone else happy days.

I'll grow easy stuff like salads, beans and peas as well as garlic and potatoes. I want an easy Spring/Summer season because I shall be busy creating and running my new program, The Path of the Enchantress.

Live, in person, retreats and all!

But not yet! Time to look at the seeds, make sure that they are still viable and look after them well. Plan where I will plant them. Clear the soil. Put manure down. Make sure all is shipshape before March, when I shall start planting. Potatoes, on St. Patrick's Day. Never earlier than that.

As to the well and the forge. Well, for me it is all about tempering. You know, or may be you don't but now you shall, if you forge a sword in the fire, you have to plunge it into water to harden it. And sometimes, it explodes, because it is not well made or there is some inpurity in the metal. But you have to temper it. Otherwise, you will never know.

So, what is ready to temper in your life

What seeds are you keeping to plan in March/April

What dream is needing your attention?

I would love to know!

Happy Imbolc

With love


PS. If you are interested in the Celtic Festival and the celebrations I organize around them, do get in touch by sending me a message at



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