
Hello you,
How is it going? How has July treated you? Is your summer all that you want it to be? If it is, take time today to mull over what has been happening and if it is not, then all is not lost, we have another four weeks of summer to come.
Lamas is the celtic festival of the first harvest, the grain harvest. I know that we also celebrate the harvest on 21st September but that is a different harvest altogether. The Autumn Equinox is the hedgerow harvest, the harvest we preserve to feed us during the winter months to come.
Talking of winter... don't throw things at me but I am afraid that today marks the full start of the decline of the year towards winter. The nights are getting longer, aren't they and although there is plenty of time before we have to switch the heating on, we need to keep in mind that the season is turning.
I have a story that I would like to tell you but it is a bit long so I am going to put it into an email. If you would like to receive it, just email me at and I shall send it to you.
The story is an ancient one and is about the brief life of the May Queen and the Sun King.
and it leads to the following questions that you might want to ask yourself today.
What are you harvesting this year, right now? What is your first harvest?
What are you gestating right now?
There is a third and very important question, it will be in my story so email me to find out about it.
As the wheel of year turns and the sun starts his decline towards the Winter months, we feel both elated at the joy we experience and a bit sad that it is nearly over. The miraculous month of July is over, make the most of August, before the winter comes and snaps at our heels.
Blessed be.

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