So what? It's a New Year and?

The other day, the weather person on the television said "The weather on the 1st January 2022 will be very similar to the weather on December 31st".
And here I was thinking that things would be different in 2022...
Not really, just messing with you.
So why on earth is everyone writing down goals, creating vision boards, and making New Year resolutions?
Because that's what we do?
No, because that is what I want you to do
because, if you do,
you will sign up for one of my programs, that's why.
I know,
this is me being brutally honest.
And it is true, I do want you to sign for one of my programs because that is my life's work.
In case you don't know, I run programs to help people change their relationships with their bodies and in the process, create a more sustainable and exciting lifestyle.
My main program is called BodyMagic and if you want to know more, please go and check it out on my website
If you feel groups are not for you, I also love working one to one. There is a page on the same website dedicated to explaining how that works.
Besides your stated desire to change, you need to know that f you were to sign up with me, you will have to do the work, pitch up to the classes, communicate with me and your group, be honest and willing to change.
So if this New Year you really have a desire to lose some weight, make friends with your body and with food, I can tell you one thing.
I will be on your case, I promise you that! I will do my very very best to guide you, bully you, support you, and cheer you on as you achieve your desire. I will not let you fall by the wayside. I will hound you!
Ask my clients and they will tell you.
But they will also tell you that my program works, as lovely Lorna from Canada messaged me the other day
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for me, you are an amazing lady and it was a true blessing having you come into my life."
So even though the weather will not be any different on New Year's Day than it was on New Year's Eve, even though there really are no blank pages as we all come to the new year with our old stories,
If you really fancy a change and you are curious about BodyMagic,
Do get in touch!
Via the website is best.
By the way, I have a special offer on until January 7th. $100 off the normal price! So click on the link, it will take you to Paypal and I'll be in touch.
Not sure? That's no problem,
Let us have a chat!
Looking forward to it
With love

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